Books Submission Guidelines
Preparing the Chapter / Book
Chapters should only be submitted as Word documents (.docx format). It is recommended to make the header levels and section definitions clear. The authors are kindly requested to use the following formatting guidelines:
The chapter should be writing in the sequence outlined below:
• Title: Title of the chapter, Contributor/s full “last and first” name.
• Abstract: 250 – 300 words, self-contained, without abbreviations, footnotes, and references. Abstract will not be included in the book.
• Keywords: submit 3 to 5 keywords to accompany your chapter, separated by commas, no full stop
• Table of contents: Heading up to 3 levesl along with page number
• Main Text: Times New Roman font in size 12 point, double-line spacing. Please make the first reference to a display item bold, for example (Figure 1). Do not abbreviate Figure, Equation, etc.; display items are always singular, i.e., Figure 1 and 2. Equations are always singular, i.e., Equation 1 and 2, and should be inserted using the Equation Editor, not as graphics, in the main text. Captions of display items should be inserted in-line within the main text. Please embed the figures (resolution of at least 300 dpi) and tables inside the Text.
• Acknowledgements
• Funding Statement
• Conflict of Interest Statement
• References: The references must be prepared in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition Author-Date B. For Endnote reference manager style can be downloaded from; and for Mendeley or Zotero reference managers this reference style can be downloaded from Mendeley/Zotero Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (author-date).
We request that SI Units – International System of Units be used throughout to appeal to global audience.
The book should be compiled in the sequence outlined below:
• Book front matter: About Book, Cotents – Chapters list, Preface/Foreword, Editors Bio, Contributor/s list (which includes Contributor/s full “last and first” name, Affiliation/s (Institute/Company/University name city, country), Email ID, and ORCID)
• Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, ….Chapter n
• Book Index
Peer Review Process and Policy
Books publication goes through a two-step review process: book proposal review and full chapter/s review.
Book proposal review: Book editors are first requested to submit a book proposal in a specific format. TexMat Books Publishing Process Manager, who acts as the Internal Book Handling Editor, carefully selects two subject experts who generously volunteer their time and expertise to evaluate the proposal to ensure the proposal’s appropriateness in terms of the scope and direction of the book. Book proposal should include a compelling potential title, a carefully selected list of keywords, a concise topic description (within the range of 200 to 250 words) of the proposed book. Additionally, the names of all contributing authors and their corresponding affiliations should be stated. TexMat Books Series uses a single-blind review system where the identities of the reviewers are kept confidential from editors/authors throughout the entire review process.
At this point, the submitted proposal will either be accepted for inclusion in the TexMat Book Series or accepted with revision or rejected (because it is not scientifically sound or is out of scope). The internal book handling editor will notify the editor(s) to submit fully written manuscripts for each chapter if the proposal is considered appropriate and accepted. Internal editor might invite you to revise and resubmit the proposal once any points raised in the review have been addressed.
Book proposal is reviewed as quickly as possible, and within 2-4 weeks of submission, an editorial decision is usually made.
Full chapter review: Following submission, the editor of the proposed book formerly examines/reviews the chapter manuscript. Once the editor submits the book as a whole with all the chapters, internal editor will then check through the final manuscript. The final book will then go through the copyediting, pagination and proofreading process followed by publication.
Note: COPE Guidelines will be followed if there is any suspicion of peer review manipulation during the peer review process.

Plagiarism, Self-plagiarism, and Duplication
Plagiarism is a form of intellectual theft. When an author tries to pass off previously published material as original content, they are committing plagiarism. Our team routinely checks every chapter submitted by using Google/Microsoft Bing Search Engine and/or by using automated detection algorithms that compare it against electronic source material. Submissions with evidence of plagiarism (or self-plagiarism) or duplication will not be considered for publishing in the TexMat Books Series.
Chapter submitted to TexMat Books Series must be free of any falsified data (fraudulently altered data) and/or fabricated data (made-up or faked data) including manipulated images. Textiles and Materials Research Limited reserves the right to get in touch with the affiliated organisation of the author and superior to the author if they do not follow ethical standards for their publication. The appropriate action will be taken in accordance with the COPE Guidelines if it is suspected that the submission contains fabricated/falsified data/images or plagiarism/duplication.
Note: original terms that were copied directly from previous published chapters/articles should be cited properly and enclosed in quotation marks.
Theses and dissertations: Book material that primarily appeared in an author’s thesis may be included if it is the sole instance in which it has appeared, complies with the author’s university policy. Included content from theses or dissertations should be acknowledged in the chapter’s acknowledgements section and appropriately referenced in the reference list.
Chapter Processing Charges
Chapter processing charges of 70 NZD (New Zealand Dollar) applies to each chapter (up to 20 pages) published in a book. Payment must be done as soon as submission is accepted. (Payment terms and conditions: All transactions are in NZD and inclusive of tax. If payment is not made, book will not be published. All credit/debit card payments may incur a surcharge to cover processing of payments. Tex Mat Research New Zealand will not provide a refund in any case.)
TexMat Open access Books are published online in PDF format under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License.
Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International — CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Open Access and Copyright
The author(s) retains the copyright of the submissions, but the content of the submission is free to download and distribute given appropriate attribution to the author(s) and citing Textiles and Materials Research Limited as the original publisher. The authors give an exclusive unlimited permission to Textiles and Materials Research Limited to publish (including to store, copy, and display the content) the submission under a Creative Commons License. The authors identify Textiles and Materials Research Limited as the original publisher of the work.
By submitting chapter/monograph for publication, all authors are implying their consent to publish it according to the submission guidelines of the Publisher and any relevant Creative Commons License.
In compliance with the Creative Commons License, the papers are open-access and can be shared and reproduced.
Long-term Archiving
Each chapter/book accepted is made freely available online.
All published books are archived in the National Digital Heritage Archive (NDHA) of the National Library of New Zealand, to ensure their long-term preservation. NDHA ensures that the digital copies of the books are securely stored for perpetuity.
Access to the descriptive records for the repository items is available through the National Library Catalogue and Publications New Zealand.
The author(s) are encouraged to post their Accepted chapter/book (Peer-reviewed Post-Print Version), and Published chapter/book (Version of Record) to any institutional repository of their choice, as well as to their departmental or personal websites/social media (which includes posting to ResearchGate, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google groups).
Authors are obliged to acknowledge the published source with citation, and link from the deposited version to the URL and DOI of the published book. Self-archiving is not subject to an embargo period.
Publication Ethics
TexMat Research follows the Core Practices developed by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
• Google Scholar
• New Zealand National Library
• Crossref
• Dimensions
• ResearchGate

The complaint can be made by writing an email to Every effort will be made to resolve the complaint as soon as possible.
The author will get the outcome of the complaint via email.
Further Information
Please reach out to us with any inquiries or additional requests for information regarding the book submission/publication process.
Email Id: